I have had all sorts of mishaps and troubles with my website (www.terracelesteproductions.com) and my blog (www.terracelesteproductions.blogspot.com) lately- like in the past six months. Instead of freaking out, I have decided to just let them go. Like a helium balloon in a warm breeze, I am letting them go and looking forward to what's available to me. No frustration, no despair over ridiculous beliefs of what is "lost". I free myself. I am new. I am fossil star dragon for my love of fossils, stars and the dragons in my life. There is nobody exactly like me so this name has yet to be usurped by another.
I welcome you to my new blog and invite you to read all of my older blog- www.terracelesteproductions.blogspot.com it was a good blog, going back to 2006. I published a book from this blog and created a fossil database. I am proud of it. It is still mine, I just can't access it anymore.
Welcome to the NEW. Welcome to fresh, untethered, unbound, unleashed and reborn me. Welcome.