I am most definitely being pulled towards something. It is something meaningful, to me and more than me.
We are living in a paradise. Take a deep breath. Can you feel that oxygen feeding your lungs? Did you have to ask a plant to produce that oxygen? Air is one of those things we do not appreciate. We all have access to it, unless we are in a dire circumstance, trapped in an airtight box, under water, or being suffocated. The vast majority of us can take in a deep lungful of air and then do it again and again. In fact, we forget how nice it feels until we lose the ability to do it, through asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, cystic fibrosis, coma.
Right now, take in a lungful, nice and slow. Enjoy the feeling of fullness and how good it feels to pull in as much as you want and then let it out equally as slowly. Breathing is an animal action. If we can't breathe, we cant live. We either use lungs or skin, either way, the air we get for free today is here curtesy of the plant kingdom. If humans, who see themselves as the superior species, take a moment every day to acknowledge where their air comes from, would they continue to think of themselves as superior? Doesn't the air make us reliant on something other than ourselves?
For so long, we as humans have ignored our place in the biome of Earth because to make note of it would require us to bring humanity down to the level of other animals, fragile, dependent and fallible.
To answer the question, "what in your life is calling you?", It is Earth. She is calling to me to tell her story in the best way that science will permit me to tell it at this time. I need to tell it in pictures and in writing so that we all can gain perspective about our place in this moment of awareness.
Many have told her story, but until we really grasp it, together, it needs to be told again, and again and again.